вівторок, 25 квітня 2017 р.

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 We Learn English 10 by A.Nesvit

Тема 8 . Career Prospects
 Уроки 1-2 .Career Preparation
 Ex.12, p. 250

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.

Alana Berry and Alexander Labayen, both former students of Toronto’s International Academy of Design, have taken somewhat different approaches to the world of fashion design.

Before studying fashion, Alana pursued a career in business and feels it is the best thing she could have done. “When I look at the big picture now, I realize it’s not just about being creative; fashion is also a business. If I didn’t have a strong understanding of business, it would all be just a hobby.”

Once she realized that fashion was her calling out, she enrolled at the Toronto International Academy of Design. When asked about her experience there, Alana says, “I know that some people have been very successful with little formal training, but I would never pass up what I learned at the Academy, not to mention, that’s where I met my partner, Diana. Developing a strong network of contacts in this industry is very important.”
When Alana left school she almost immediately formed her own fashion company and label. She has teamed up with one of her former Academy classmates, Diana Calma and is designing elegant custom-tailored formal wear for her clients. Alana believes owning your own company can be very rewarding if you’re prepared for “long hours and hard work!”
Read more here http://faze.ca/career-in-fashion-design/

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