субота, 22 квітня 2017 р.

Зробимо завдання разом!

Несвіт А.М. Підручник Англійська мова: Ми вивчаємо англійську мову: підруч.10 кл.

Уроки 7-8.  Граматика:  Modal Verbs (p.234)
 Expressions Similar to Modal Verbs(p.235)
HOW  to do ex.6,p.236 or ex.7,p. 236 ???

Possible to do them without learning all these rules?

!!!Read them (p.33-p.41) here 

New_Round-Up_6_SB.pdf  by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley

(New Round-Up 6 English Grammar Practice combines fun with serious, systematic grammar practice. It is ideal for learners in the upper-intermediate stages of English language learning).

Rewrite the following sentences. How else can you express the following?
Can I have a final check, please? - May/Could/Might I have a final check, please?

1. Let`s go for a field trip.
Shall we go for a field trip?
How about going for a field trip?

2. Steve might be on holiday.
Steve may be on holiday.
Steve could be on holiday.
It’s possible that Steve is on holiday.

3. Could you pass me that highlighter, please?
Would you pass me that highlighter, please?
Will you pass me that highlighter, please?
Can you pass me that highlighter, please?
Would you mind passing me that highlighter, please?

4. My younger sister couldn`t read until last year.
My younger sister wasn’t able to read until last year.

5. You can`t speak at the lessons.
You mustn’t speak at the lessons.(?)
You may not speak at the lessons.
You are not allowed to speak at the lessons.

6. Bill has been scheduled to take you around our school.
Bill is supposed to take you around our school.
Bill is to take you around our school.
Bill has to take you around our school.

7. Shall we participate in the football match?
Let’s participate in the football match.
We could participate in the football match.
How about participating in the football match?

8. Is it possible that Mark will be included into our project group?
Might Mark be included into our project group?
Could Mark be included into our project group?
Is it likely that Mark will be included into our project group?
Is Mark likely to be included into our project group?

9. We should go to the school library today.
    We ought to go to the school library today.
    We are supposed to go to the school library today.

10.Would you mind sitting at the front desk?
     Will you sit at the front desk?
    Can you sit at the front desk?
   Would you sit at the front desk?
   Could you sit at the front desk,(please)?

11. Would you like me to make a report?
      Shall I make a report?

12. You must hand in your compositions in two weeks.
      You have to hand in your compositions in two weeks.
      You are to hand in your compositions in two weeks.
      You are supposed to hand in your compositions in two weeks.
      You are obliged to hand in your compositions in two weeks.

13. She`ll be preparing her homework, I`m sure.
     She is supposed to prepare her homework.
     She will prepare her homework (?).

14. The schoolchildren are expected to be at school on time.
      The schoolchildren are to be at school on time.
      The schoolchildren have to be at school on time.

15. I`m sure Susan`s application form will be accepted.
      Susan`s application form should be accepted.
16.I`m sure Jack didn`t read that story up to the end.
     Jack can’t have read that story up to the end.

17. It`s possible that a new school will be built in the neighbourhood.
     It`s likely that a new school will be built in the neighbourhood.
     A new school is likely to be built in the neighbourhood.
     A new school may be built in the neighbourhood
     A new school might be built in the neighbourhood.
     A new school could be built in the neighbourhood

Fill in a modal verb or a synonymous expression and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.
1. What fine weather! ... Shall we go to the park?
 2. We're not sure where the teacher is. She may/might/could be in the Staff Room.
3. That can’t/couldn’t be Ann's laptop. She doesn't own one.
4. Clark may/might/could be reading but I'm not sure. Why don't we go and see?
5. Don't worry. You don’t have to/don’t need to/needn’t dress formally for the conference.
6. If you wanted to borrow my dictionary, you could/should/ought to have asked me.
 7. This bag must belong to Tom. It's got his name here.
 8. I saw Mary at school this morning. She can’t /couldn’t have moved to another school yet.
 9. He can’t/couldn’t have been at the meeting yesterday. He was ill.
10. They are supposed to/are to announce the winners on May 15th. It's scheduled.
11. I missed the lesson yesterday because I had to/was to have an appointment at the dentist's.
12. Everyone in the world ought to have a good quality education.

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