субота, 4 березня 2017 р.

Why Do We Need News? (Topic)

We are curious by nature and curiosity makes us want to know, “What’s new?” Nowadays almost everyone tries following the news. We can see it on TV, read it in newspapers and magazines. It’s very convenient to listen to any news on radio driving a car, walking in a park or doing something at home.
We can choose different TV or Radio broadcasting to get to know some news about politics, business and sport. They tell us about accidents, disasters, terrorism, not forgetting about the world of animals, music and celebrity gossips.
As for me, I prefer to read and listen to international and crime news.Of course, I can read other kinds of news, but most of all I like them.I ‘m very interested in crime news, because they are very interesting and cognitive to be analyzed. I think I have to read it for my studying a profession of a lawyer. As for  international news, it seems to me that one should read such information to know what is happening in the world. 
I do not read newspapers, magazines or listen to the radio. Now everything is available online, so I just prefer to read some news on my smartphone. As I have little spare time in my student’s life, I sometimes spend 15-20 minutes on reading  . Unlike reading books and long magazine articles (which require thinking), I can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes.
One day I read something like this, “There is no proof that news makes us wiser, better decision makers, better informed, better citizens”. That’s why I’m not afraid of not being up-to-date on the latest headlines. I’d like to be knowledgeable,not informed.

It's interesting to read 

Why I Stopped Watching The News... And Why You Should Too

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